The Hell Yes! Habit

Hold Space, Find Grace, and Belong - Part 2 of 2 with David Tran

Kristi Nellor Season 2 Episode 5

This is Part 2 of a 2 part series that I’m publishing back to back on the same day. If you’ve been tuning in, you know that my convos this season have been big and juicy aaaaannnd running long so I’m splitting this one up so you can access it how it works best for you. You can choose one or both back to back or spaced out.. I’m bias and think that both are killer and full of gold but maybe that’s too much goodness for one sitting so you do you… That said, this is the episode with the lil love bombs and some seriously delicious takeaways so make sure to listen in and catch those babies... here's the cheat sheet. 

  1. When you hear something over and over again, there is a reason. 
  2. Resonance is the vibration of connection. 
  3. If it’s not aligned with your why, it's ok to say goodbye. 
  4. Endings are just the beginnings of something else. 
  5. Hold space and be a good host. 
  6. Run towards what you fear. 
  7. Listen up and lean in. 
  8. Train Creatively. 
  9. Don’t take it too seriously. 
  10. Remind yourself: Life is an Adventure so take each thing as it comes, ask if it is serving you, is it fun, are you happy, does it support your why… and know that all the mess is your message so share it out. 
  11. Put a post in on your passport and take a quantum leap. As soon as you make the decision, it’s already done. 

About David Tran
David is a yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator and sound artist in East London. A former 9-to-5 management consultant, David considers himself a 24/7 yogi – being a force for positive change in people's lives and the world through movement and meditation.

Born and raised in California, David now calls London home. His family heritage comes from hard-working immigrants, leading him to apply a high level of dedication and care to his service to others. He is a champion for representation in the yoga industry, especially LGBTQIA+, people of colour, men, mature and non-native English-speaking communities—all of which he belongs.
IG: @Yogongster

About the Host
Kristi Nellor is a reinvention strategist, life coach, and creativity catalyst for companies and individuals looking to transform their projects, mindsets, and lives. 

Need more Hell Yes in your life?! Follow Kristi @k_nellor on IG or check out programs and ways to collaborate at or

Let's make this Your Hell Yes Year.
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About the Host
Kristi Nellor is a soul consultant, experience architect, reinvention strategist, and creativity catalyst for companies and individuals looking to transform their projects, mindsets, brands, and lives. She is a lighthouse calling people back home to the biggest and best versions of themselves and believes that Belief + Creativity + Action x Heart = Absolute Magic.

Need more Hell Yes in your life?! Follow Kristi @k_nellor on IG or check out programs and ways to collaborate at

Let's make this Your Hell Yes Year.
Book a free discovery call or grab her FREE CORE VALUES ROADMAP and join the mailing list to be first to learn more about her new high vibe membership: The Hell Yes High Five and the range of incredible new retreats launching this year.

Together, let's live the mantra: 2023 is the year of me and do the work to Know. Grow. Glow and Flow!

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