The Hell Yes! Habit

Pleasure is the Portal - Jocey Wiitanen

Season 2 Episode 6

Jocey Wiitanen is fun and joy personified.  If you think her voice is beautiful, you should have seen her glowing through this entire conversation. She’s like an injection of fun and joy with a heavy dose of wisdom and grace. It was truly such a gift to have this conversation. She was dropping lil love bombs left and right but here are some to take with you on your journey to turn up the dial on the fun factor this weekend. 

  1. You are Worthy. Full Stop. 
  2. First get clear on what you want. Then be courageous to go after it even if you don’t have a roadmap. 
  3. Love all the parts. Finding self acceptance is a game changer in your success. 
  4. Presence practice is a ripple effect.  
  5. When you heal yourself, you heal 7 generations before you and 7 generations after you. 
  6. Pleasure is the Portal. 
  7. I am fun. I am a fun person. Say it out loud over and over again until you believe it. 
  8. Say Yes to Yourself, not just for yourself. When we decide to say yes to ourselves it actually creates the space for others to be able to get to a Hell Yes for themselves. 
  9. Reframe fear as a friend. Acknowledge that it’s simply here to protect you and thank it for that. Know that it’s just asking you "Are you sure?" and that gives you the chance to reply Absolutely, let’s go!
  10. You are what you tell yourself. Repeat after me: I am free. I am safe. I am worthy, I am enough. I am fun. 

About the Guest
Jocey is the host of Make Life Fun Podcast and the founder of Backroads Coaching. She is an embodiment expert and success coach. She helps women find safety within to feel free to expand into who they were called to be. She helps these leaders to show up as their most authentic self so that they can call in more fun, joy and money. 

She is a mom on a mission to help women to stop second guessing themselves. The more we can love and accept who we are right now the more we able toraise our children to do the same. She is here to support you on your healing journey.

About the Host
Kristi Nellor is a reinvention strategist, life coach, and creativity catalyst for companies and individuals looking to transform their projects, mindsets, and lives. 

Need more Hell Yes in your life?! Follow Kristi @k_nellor on IG or check out programs and ways to collaborate at or

Let's make this Your Hell Yes

About the Host
Kristi Nellor is a soul consultant, experience architect, reinvention strategist, and creativity catalyst for companies and individuals looking to transform their projects, mindsets, brands, and lives. She is a lighthouse calling people back home to the biggest and best versions of themselves and believes that Belief + Creativity + Action x Heart = Absolute Magic.

Need more Hell Yes in your life?! Follow Kristi @k_nellor on IG or check out programs and ways to collaborate at

Let's make this Your Hell Yes Year.
Book a free discovery call or grab her FREE CORE VALUES ROADMAP and join the mailing list to be first to learn more about her new high vibe membership: The Hell Yes High Five and the range of incredible new retreats launching this year.

Together, let's live the mantra: 2023 is the year of me and do the work to Know. Grow. Glow and Flow!

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