The Hell Yes! Habit

Becoming Brave One Baby Step at a Time - with Kristina Driscoll

Season 2 Episode 7

Today's episode is really inspiring on so many levels. Kristina is such a kind soul and she dives in to remind us that we are brave even when we don't think we are. Her journey from being a self proclaimed unbrave person to someone who knows her authentic self and doesn't worry about outward perception is a really inspiring reminder that we can do hard things and everything we need is already inside of us... even if we don't know it yet. This is just one of the many lil love bombs she left us with. Here are a few more I pulled out to take with you into your weekend for a little boost of courage to move toward what scares you and find your bravery wherever you need it most. 

  1. Follow your heart. Even when things don’t make sense on paper, getting in touch with your authentic self and inner knowing is the key to deciding what is right for you. 
  2. Bravery is a muscle you build over time. Baby steps baby! 
  3. Power lies in our ability to find the blesson. The blessing of the lesson.
  4. Growth is not linear. 
  5. What are the neighbors gonna think?! Don’t let your worry of critical judgment keep you from what you know deep inside is right. 
  6.  Collaboration over Competition. 
  7. Strive to embrace your perfect imperfections. 
  8. Be the velvet hammer. 
  9. Love Frees You. 

I hope you find today’s episode to be just the fire starter you need to step into your own Hell Yes this weekend. Email, DM or find my on the socials to let me know what’s hitting a cord this week. If you loved what you heard, please share with a friend, and leave a review. It helps me grow and reach more listeners so we can raise our voices and shine a light on the path to our biggest Hell Yesses yet! 

About Kristina
Kristina Driscoll trained for a career in finance, working over 10 years in pension consulting and as a financial advisor. She's a graduate of Pacific Lutheran University with a Bachelor's of Business Administration (BBA). Kristina's husband was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's when their son was 5 years old. She was the caregiver to her husband and young son for 12 years and continued to manage their investments throughout her husband's journey. Kristina is also on the board of directors for the animal rescue group Sanctuary One. In 2015 she built a cottage for FIV positive cats and continues to fully fund the cottage each year.

Kristina's podcast titled "She's Brave"  helps women find their path to become brave, resilient and authentic. 
IG: @shesbravepodcast
FB: Kristina Driscoll

About the Host
Kristi Nellor is a soul consultant, experience architect, reinvention strategist, and creativity catalyst for companies and individuals looking to transform their projects, mindsets, brands, and lives. She is a lighthouse calling people back home to the biggest and best versions of themselves and believes that Belief + Creativity + Action x Heart = Absolute Magic.

Need more Hell Yes in your life?! Follow Kristi @k_nellor on IG or check out programs and ways to collaborate at

Let's make this Your Hell Yes Year.
Book a free discovery call or grab her FREE CORE VALUES ROADMAP and join the mailing list to be first to learn more about her new high vibe membership: The Hell Yes High Five and the range of incredible new retreats launching this year.

Together, let's live the mantra: 2023 is the year of me and do the work to Know. Grow. Glow and Flow!

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